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Kanavan Viasat Explore ohjelmatiedot sunnuntaina 16.6.2013

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Amazing Eats

su 16.06.2013 04.35 - 05.00 25 minViasat Explore

(Amazing Eats/2012) Amazing Eats ?sarjassa perehdytään Amerikan herkullisimpiin, suurimpiin ja parhaimpiin ruokiin tirisevän kuumista juustohampurilaisista jättipizzoihin ja paksuihin, meheviin pihveihin. Kiertelemme eri puolilla USA:ta tutustumassa ruokapaikkoihin, jotka tarjoavat ylpeinä niin suussa sulavia aterioita, että ne ovat kerrassaan unohtumattomia. Kussakin jaksossa keskitytään yhteen ruokakategoriaan, liharuoista paistettuihin ruokiin ja makeista ruoista maustettuihin ruokiin. Kiertueen isäntänä toimii Adam Richman, ja kukin jakso opastaa tietyn teemaruoan saloihin. Ota siis mukava asento ja valmistaudu nauttimaan USA:n parhaista ja suurimmista aterioista!.

Amazing Eats

su 16.06.2013 05.00 - 05.25 25 minViasat Explore

(Amazing Eats/2012) Amazing Eats ?sarjassa perehdytään Amerikan herkullisimpiin, suurimpiin ja parhaimpiin ruokiin tirisevän kuumista juustohampurilaisista jättipizzoihin ja paksuihin, meheviin pihveihin. Kiertelemme eri puolilla USA:ta tutustumassa ruokapaikkoihin, jotka tarjoavat ylpeinä niin suussa sulavia aterioita, että ne ovat kerrassaan unohtumattomia. Kussakin jaksossa keskitytään yhteen ruokakategoriaan, liharuoista paistettuihin ruokiin ja makeista ruoista maustettuihin ruokiin. Kiertueen isäntänä toimii Adam Richman, ja kukin jakso opastaa tietyn teemaruoan saloihin. Ota siis mukava asento ja valmistaudu nauttimaan USA:n parhaista ja suurimmista aterioista!.

Amazing Eats

su 16.06.2013 05.25 - 06.00 35 minViasat Explore

(Amazing Eats/2012) Amazing Eats ?sarjassa perehdytään Amerikan herkullisimpiin, suurimpiin ja parhaimpiin ruokiin tirisevän kuumista juustohampurilaisista jättipizzoihin ja paksuihin, meheviin pihveihin. Kiertelemme eri puolilla USA:ta tutustumassa ruokapaikkoihin, jotka tarjoavat ylpeinä niin suussa sulavia aterioita, että ne ovat kerrassaan unohtumattomia. Kussakin jaksossa keskitytään yhteen ruokakategoriaan, liharuoista paistettuihin ruokiin ja makeista ruoista maustettuihin ruokiin. Kiertueen isäntänä toimii Adam Richman, ja kukin jakso opastaa tietyn teemaruoan saloihin. Ota siis mukava asento ja valmistaudu nauttimaan USA:n parhaista ja suurimmista aterioista!.

Wrecks to Riches

su 16.06.2013 06.00 - 07.00 60 minViasat Explore

(Wrecks to Riches/2007) Barry White knows how to build high-dollar custom cars for exclusive clients. But he has another passion; Muscle Cars. More specifically Super Muscle Cars. They are a Barry White creation, based on America?s legendary auto iron from the ?60s and ?70s but tricked out with the kind of modern technology ?60s engineers could only dream about. Barry starts with a wreck and ends with a showroom classic. His family members, fabricators, mechanics, body guys and enthusiastic volunteers have just four weeks to find a cheap piece of junk and turn it into money; under the hammer at America?s most prestigious auto auctions.

Wrecks to Riches

su 16.06.2013 07.00 - 08.00 60 minViasat Explore

(Wrecks to Riches/2007) Barry White knows how to build high-dollar custom cars for exclusive clients. But he has another passion; Muscle Cars. More specifically Super Muscle Cars. They are a Barry White creation, based on America?s legendary auto iron from the ?60s and ?70s but tricked out with the kind of modern technology ?60s engineers could only dream about. Barry starts with a wreck and ends with a showroom classic. His family members, fabricators, mechanics, body guys and enthusiastic volunteers have just four weeks to find a cheap piece of junk and turn it into money; under the hammer at America?s most prestigious auto auctions.

Wrecks to Riches

su 16.06.2013 08.00 - 09.00 60 minViasat Explore

(Wrecks to Riches/2007) Barry White knows how to build high-dollar custom cars for exclusive clients. But he has another passion; Muscle Cars. More specifically Super Muscle Cars. They are a Barry White creation, based on America?s legendary auto iron from the ?60s and ?70s but tricked out with the kind of modern technology ?60s engineers could only dream about. Barry starts with a wreck and ends with a showroom classic. His family members, fabricators, mechanics, body guys and enthusiastic volunteers have just four weeks to find a cheap piece of junk and turn it into money; under the hammer at America?s most prestigious auto auctions.

Jet Set

su 16.06.2013 09.00 - 09.25 25 minViasat Explore

(Jet Set/2006) This programme follows the highs and lows of 7 pilots and 5 navigators on a gruelling 6-month course learning how to fly the Tornado GR4 bomber - the RAF?s primary attack aircraft. £30 million pounds of aircraft and weaponry technology, it is incredibly complex to operate. Capable of supersonic speeds yet best at low-level in darkness, this fast jet is one of the most potent in the world today. Narrated by Ewan McGregor.

Jet Set

su 16.06.2013 09.25 - 10.00 35 minViasat Explore

(Jet Set/2006) This programme follows the highs and lows of 7 pilots and 5 navigators on a gruelling 6-month course learning how to fly the Tornado GR4 bomber - the RAF?s primary attack aircraft. £30 million pounds of aircraft and weaponry technology, it is incredibly complex to operate. Capable of supersonic speeds yet best at low-level in darkness, this fast jet is one of the most potent in the world today. Narrated by Ewan McGregor.

Jet Set

su 16.06.2013 10.00 - 10.25 25 minViasat Explore

(Jet Set/2006) This programme follows the highs and lows of 7 pilots and 5 navigators on a gruelling 6-month course learning how to fly the Tornado GR4 bomber - the RAF?s primary attack aircraft. £30 million pounds of aircraft and weaponry technology, it is incredibly complex to operate. Capable of supersonic speeds yet best at low-level in darkness, this fast jet is one of the most potent in the world today. Narrated by Ewan McGregor.

Jet Set

su 16.06.2013 10.25 - 10.50 25 minViasat Explore

(Jet Set/2006) This programme follows the highs and lows of 7 pilots and 5 navigators on a gruelling 6-month course learning how to fly the Tornado GR4 bomber - the RAF?s primary attack aircraft. £30 million pounds of aircraft and weaponry technology, it is incredibly complex to operate. Capable of supersonic speeds yet best at low-level in darkness, this fast jet is one of the most potent in the world today. Narrated by Ewan McGregor.

Jet Set

su 16.06.2013 10.50 - 11.15 25 minViasat Explore

(Jet Set/2006) This programme follows the highs and lows of 7 pilots and 5 navigators on a gruelling 6-month course learning how to fly the Tornado GR4 bomber - the RAF?s primary attack aircraft. £30 million pounds of aircraft and weaponry technology, it is incredibly complex to operate. Capable of supersonic speeds yet best at low-level in darkness, this fast jet is one of the most potent in the world today. Narrated by Ewan McGregor.

Jet Set

su 16.06.2013 11.15 - 11.40 25 minViasat Explore

(Jet Set/2006) This programme follows the highs and lows of 7 pilots and 5 navigators on a gruelling 6-month course learning how to fly the Tornado GR4 bomber - the RAF?s primary attack aircraft. £30 million pounds of aircraft and weaponry technology, it is incredibly complex to operate. Capable of supersonic speeds yet best at low-level in darkness, this fast jet is one of the most potent in the world today. Narrated by Ewan McGregor.

Wow, I Never Knew That!

su 16.06.2013 11.40 - 12.05 25 minViasat Explore

(Wow, I Never Knew That!/2011) Did you know the potato chip was invented out of anger? Or that the Teddy Bear was named after a US president? These questions and more are answered and explained in a whimsical documentary series that is jam-packed with exciting tidbits and fascinating facts that uncover the truths and origins behind the stuff viewers are already familiar with. From the items people use every day, the phrases used in conversation to the habits we?re all so accustomed to, you will be fascinated to learn how they?ve all really come about!.

Wow, I Never Knew That!

su 16.06.2013 12.05 - 12.35 30 minViasat Explore

(Wow, I Never Knew That!/2011) Did you know the potato chip was invented out of anger? Or that the Teddy Bear was named after a US president? These questions and more are answered and explained in a whimsical documentary series that is jam-packed with exciting tidbits and fascinating facts that uncover the truths and origins behind the stuff viewers are already familiar with. From the items people use every day, the phrases used in conversation to the habits we?re all so accustomed to, you will be fascinated to learn how they?ve all really come about!.

Wow, I Never Knew That!

su 16.06.2013 12.35 - 13.00 25 minViasat Explore

(Wow, I Never Knew That!/2011) Did you know the potato chip was invented out of anger? Or that the Teddy Bear was named after a US president? These questions and more are answered and explained in a whimsical documentary series that is jam-packed with exciting tidbits and fascinating facts that uncover the truths and origins behind the stuff viewers are already familiar with. From the items people use every day, the phrases used in conversation to the habits we?re all so accustomed to, you will be fascinated to learn how they?ve all really come about!.

Wow, I Never Knew That!

su 16.06.2013 13.00 - 13.25 25 minViasat Explore

(Wow, I Never Knew That!/2011) Did you know the potato chip was invented out of anger? Or that the Teddy Bear was named after a US president? These questions and more are answered and explained in a whimsical documentary series that is jam-packed with exciting tidbits and fascinating facts that uncover the truths and origins behind the stuff viewers are already familiar with. From the items people use every day, the phrases used in conversation to the habits we?re all so accustomed to, you will be fascinated to learn how they?ve all really come about!.

Big Australia

su 16.06.2013 13.25 - 14.20 55 minViasat Explore

(Big Australia/2012) Australia on maailman kuudenneksi suurin maa, jossa on 20 miljoonaa asukasta. Laaja maa-alue tarjoaa valtavat resurssit, ja massiiviset teollisuudenalat pönkittävät maan taloutta. Australiassa unelmat ovat suuria ja nuo unelmat myös toteutetaan. Big Australian kukin jakso keskittyy tiettyyn megaprojektiin tai -operaatioon, joka muokkaa osaltaan koko maata. Se näyttää projektien laajuuden ja nerokkuuden ja esittelee kunkin projektin eri vaiheet suunnittelusta toteutukseen. Sarja nostaa keksinnöt aivan uudelle tasolle ja vie katsojat Australian keskeisimpien elinkeinojen eturintamaan.

Wrecks to Riches

su 16.06.2013 14.20 - 15.10 50 minViasat Explore

(Wrecks to Riches/2007) Barry White knows how to build high-dollar custom cars for exclusive clients. But he has another passion; Muscle Cars. More specifically Super Muscle Cars. They are a Barry White creation, based on America?s legendary auto iron from the ?60s and ?70s but tricked out with the kind of modern technology ?60s engineers could only dream about. Barry starts with a wreck and ends with a showroom classic. His family members, fabricators, mechanics, body guys and enthusiastic volunteers have just four weeks to find a cheap piece of junk and turn it into money; under the hammer at America?s most prestigious auto auctions.

Wrecks to Riches

su 16.06.2013 15.10 - 16.00 50 minViasat Explore

(Wrecks to Riches/2007) Barry White knows how to build high-dollar custom cars for exclusive clients. But he has another passion; Muscle Cars. More specifically Super Muscle Cars. They are a Barry White creation, based on America?s legendary auto iron from the ?60s and ?70s but tricked out with the kind of modern technology ?60s engineers could only dream about. Barry starts with a wreck and ends with a showroom classic. His family members, fabricators, mechanics, body guys and enthusiastic volunteers have just four weeks to find a cheap piece of junk and turn it into money; under the hammer at America?s most prestigious auto auctions.

Autojen uusi elämäU

su 16.06.2013 16.00 - 16.50 50 minViasat Explore

(Graveyard Carz/2012) Seuraa neljää ystävää, jotka kunnostavat Chryslerin tehtaiden klassisia jenkkiautoja entiseen loistoonsa. Jo autojen korjaaminen on tarpeeksi vaikeaa, eivätkä asennevammat, ylpeys ja kiukuttelu ainakaan auta asiaa. Toisella kaudella Mark, Daren, Josh ja Royal jatkavat hommia, ja tällä kertaa he ovat tosissaan. Luvassa on lisää asiakkaita, enemmän voittoa, tiukemmat aikataulut, upeampia autoja ja sen verran hulluutta, että naurussa on pitelemistä.

Autojen uusi elämä

su 16.06.2013 16.50 - 17.50 60 minViasat Explore

(Graveyard Carz/2012) Seuraa neljää ystävää, jotka kunnostavat Chryslerin tehtaiden klassisia jenkkiautoja entiseen loistoonsa. Jo autojen korjaaminen on tarpeeksi vaikeaa, eivätkä asennevammat, ylpeys ja kiukuttelu ainakaan auta asiaa. Toisella kaudella Mark, Daren, Josh ja Royal jatkavat hommia, ja tällä kertaa he ovat tosissaan. Luvassa on lisää asiakkaita, enemmän voittoa, tiukemmat aikataulut, upeampia autoja ja sen verran hulluutta, että naurussa on pitelemistä.

Kuuluisat kuppilat

su 16.06.2013 17.50 - 18.15 25 minViasat Explore

(Man V Food Nation/2012) Kuuluisien kuppiloiden neljäs tuotantokausi. Adam Richman on kierrellyt ympäri USA:ta ja osallistunut mitä erilaisimpiin ruokahaasteisiin. Hän on taistellut, hän on voittanut, ja hänet on voitettu. Syöpöteltyään kolmen vuoden ajan eri puolilla USA:ta Adam kuuli, että muutkin haluavat mukaan ohjelmaan. Niinpä Adam värvää nyt paikallisia kykyjä ottamaan vastaan rakkaiden kotikaupunkiensa haasteita. Adam kerää jokaisessa kohteessa paikallisia erikoisuuksia ja pyytää faneja astumaan hänen saappaisiinsa. Janoavatko he kunniaa? Vai mainetta? Adam tiimeineen janoaa vain haasteita, kun tiimi pyrkii yhdessä kukistamaan nämä syötävät ?pedot? ja kunnioittamaan näin paikallista ruokakulttuuria.

Kuuluisat kuppilat

su 16.06.2013 18.15 - 18.45 30 minViasat Explore

(Man V Food Nation/2012) Kuuluisien kuppiloiden neljäs tuotantokausi. Adam Richman on kierrellyt ympäri USA:ta ja osallistunut mitä erilaisimpiin ruokahaasteisiin. Hän on taistellut, hän on voittanut, ja hänet on voitettu. Syöpöteltyään kolmen vuoden ajan eri puolilla USA:ta Adam kuuli, että muutkin haluavat mukaan ohjelmaan. Niinpä Adam värvää nyt paikallisia kykyjä ottamaan vastaan rakkaiden kotikaupunkiensa haasteita. Adam kerää jokaisessa kohteessa paikallisia erikoisuuksia ja pyytää faneja astumaan hänen saappaisiinsa. Janoavatko he kunniaa? Vai mainetta? Adam tiimeineen janoaa vain haasteita, kun tiimi pyrkii yhdessä kukistamaan nämä syötävät ?pedot? ja kunnioittamaan näin paikallista ruokakulttuuria.

Mustaa kultaa

su 16.06.2013 18.45 - 19.40 55 minViasat Explore

(Black Gold/2012) Öljyn hinta on pudonnut huimasti, ja ennen niin kukoistava Permian Basinin alueen öljyteollisuus on pahassa taantumassa. Poraustorneja suljetaan, työpaikat vähenevät, ja kokonaisia yrityksiä lakkautetaan. Mutta ainakin yksi öljyteollisuuden vaikuttaja osaa tehdä kannattavaa bisnestä vaikeinakin aikoina: hullu poraaja Autry Stephens. Hänellä on Midlandin alueella 30 poraustornia, jotka pumppaavat öljyä kiivaaseen tahtiin. Poraustornin 28 kovapintainen porukka ? jota johtaa Oscar Barreras ? on työntekijöiden kärkikastia.

Last Man Standing

su 16.06.2013 19.40 - 20.35 55 minViasat Explore

(Last Man Standing/2007) In a supreme test of endurance, skill and courage, six Western men journey to the most remote parts of the world to live with indigenous peoples, to train with them, and to take part in their ancient sporting festivals. They are some of the toughest events in the world. From wrestling deep in the Amazonian rainforest to bullock racing in India and pig fighting on the Nicobar Islands, the six must play by local rules. But their experiences are much more than a sporting challenge; the adventurers enter the very heart of local societies, becoming part of them and performing all the rites and rituals, however dangerous they may be. How will our adventurers cope when pitted against the locals... and each other? Do they have what it takes to gain the respect of the tribe, to really become one of them?.

How to Build

su 16.06.2013 20.35 - 21.35 60 minViasat Explore

(How to Build/2011) With unprecedented access to some of the world's most advanced engineers, this documentary series goes inside our high performance technology. We will probe the car bringing Formula One racing technology to our regular roads, the world's biggest aircraft wing and the satellite that can send a live TV signal around the world in under a second. We meet the engineers who work in bunkers and 'clean rooms', developing precision components that work perfectly in icy cold and burning heat.

Hurricane Hunters

su 16.06.2013 21.35 - 21.55 20 minViasat Explore

(Hurricane Hunters/2012) The Hurricane Hunters are the Air Force Reserve squadron based out of Biloxi, Mississippi, which flies planes into hurricanes to better understand them and get key pieces of meteorological data that can only be gathered by flying into the eye of a hurricane. They provide the missing information that allows weather services to predict storm paths and warn cities. The stakes are high. People's lives depend on them.

Hurricane Hunters

su 16.06.2013 21.55 - 22.20 25 minViasat Explore

(Hurricane Hunters/2012) The Hurricane Hunters are the Air Force Reserve squadron based out of Biloxi, Mississippi, which flies planes into hurricanes to better understand them and get key pieces of meteorological data that can only be gathered by flying into the eye of a hurricane. They provide the missing information that allows weather services to predict storm paths and warn cities. The stakes are high. People's lives depend on them.

Richard Hammond's Invisible WorldsU

su 16.06.2013 22.20 - 23.20 60 minViasat Explore

(Richard Hammond's Invisible Worlds/2010) The human eye is a remarkable piece of precision engineering, but all around us is an astonishing and beautiful world we cannot see. Wonders which are outside the visible spectrum, or too fast, too slow, too small or too remote for our eyes and brains to interpret, yet which touch every aspect of life on Earth and shape it in unseen ways. Now, for the first time, this hidden world is revealed - in action. From lightning sprites and shockwaves to heater bees and the crystalline structure of a spider's web, this documentary series uses cutting-edge camera technology - some specially adapted for this series - to reveal the full glory of these secret forces and hidden powers.

James Mayn suuret suunnitelmat

su 16.06.2013 23.20 - 00.20 60 minViasat Explore

(James May's Big Ideas/2008) James May on ajanut monia mahtavia autoja, mutta nyt hän pääsee kokeilemaan ajoneuvoja, jotka ovat vähän erilaisia kuin tavanomaiset Top Gear -mallit. James kokeilee muun muassa Aerocaria (legendaarista lentoautoa 1950-luvulta) ja pohtii, voisiko lentävien ajoneuvojen avulla päästä eroon liikenneruuhkista. Hän testaa myös venäläistä maaefektialusta ja uskaltautuu jopa kiinnittämään selkäänsä rakettirepun.
Robotteja, kyborgeja ja bionisia ihmisiä on kyllä nähty elokuvissa, mutta onko niistä tulossa totta? James tutkii ihmisen ja koneen fuusiota naispuolisen RoboCopin ja bionisten implanttien avulla. Onko vastustus turhaa?
Lopuksi James kyseenalaistaa sen, miksi energianlähteemme ovat niin vanhanaikaisia. Meksikon-matka antaa hänelle tilaisuuden tutkia, kuinka auto voisi kulkea pelkällä ilmalla, ja selvittää, voisiko energiakriisin ratkaisu olla ?aivan toisesta maailmasta?.

Tribe (Bruce Parry)

ma 17.06.2013 00.20 - 01.15 55 minViasat Explore

(Tribe (Bruce Parry)/2006) Former Royal Marine and expedition leader Bruce Parry sheds the trappings of a western existence and journeys to meet some of the world's oldest and most remote tribes. Daring to go where other presenters fear to tread, he immerses himself in the traditions and practices of these indigenous people. In this series, he travels to the so-called 'Cradle of Mankind', the Omo Valley in Southern Ethiopia, to live with different tribes such as the Bume, a proud flamboyantly dressed, cattle-herding people armed with Kalashnikovs, and the Danssenach on the shores of Lake Turkana where Bruce takes part in his biggest challenge yet - a night-time crocodile hunt, armed with just a wooden harpoon.

Human Canvas

ma 17.06.2013 01.15 - 02.05 50 minViasat Explore

(Human Canvas/2010) From tattooing and piercing to the extremes of branding and cutting, from the tribal urges on the streets of L.A to the secret Japanese art form Irezumi, marking of the body has been a ritual throughout history. In this programme we will interview historians, psychologists, fraternity boys, prisoners and bikers to explore the culture of body modification.

How to BuildU

ma 17.06.2013 02.05 - 03.05 60 minViasat Explore

(How to Build/2011) With unprecedented access to some of the world's most advanced engineers, this documentary series goes inside our high performance technology. We will probe the car bringing Formula One racing technology to our regular roads, the world's biggest aircraft wing and the satellite that can send a live TV signal around the world in under a second. We meet the engineers who work in bunkers and 'clean rooms', developing precision components that work perfectly in icy cold and burning heat.

Hurricane Hunters

ma 17.06.2013 03.05 - 03.25 20 minViasat Explore

(Hurricane Hunters/2012) The Hurricane Hunters are the Air Force Reserve squadron based out of Biloxi, Mississippi, which flies planes into hurricanes to better understand them and get key pieces of meteorological data that can only be gathered by flying into the eye of a hurricane. They provide the missing information that allows weather services to predict storm paths and warn cities. The stakes are high. People's lives depend on them.

Hurricane Hunters

ma 17.06.2013 03.25 - 03.50 25 minViasat Explore

(Hurricane Hunters/2012) The Hurricane Hunters are the Air Force Reserve squadron based out of Biloxi, Mississippi, which flies planes into hurricanes to better understand them and get key pieces of meteorological data that can only be gathered by flying into the eye of a hurricane. They provide the missing information that allows weather services to predict storm paths and warn cities. The stakes are high. People's lives depend on them.

Richard Hammond's Invisible WorldsU

ma 17.06.2013 03.50 - 04.50 60 minViasat Explore

(Richard Hammond's Invisible Worlds/2010) The human eye is a remarkable piece of precision engineering, but all around us is an astonishing and beautiful world we cannot see. Wonders which are outside the visible spectrum, or too fast, too slow, too small or too remote for our eyes and brains to interpret, yet which touch every aspect of life on Earth and shape it in unseen ways. Now, for the first time, this hidden world is revealed - in action. From lightning sprites and shockwaves to heater bees and the crystalline structure of a spider's web, this documentary series uses cutting-edge camera technology - some specially adapted for this series - to reveal the full glory of these secret forces and hidden powers.
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